Trailer for The Music Stalker

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Sharing Once More

It’s been a while since I’ve added something to my website. I’ve been detained by current events, watching the election and aftermath unfold. But I’m back … starting with the trailer for The Flight of the Veil.

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Book Launch

Dear Followers and Friends!

Please enjoy this YouTube video of the virtual launch of The Flight of the Veil , which took place on Oct. 1.

The book is available on Amazon and elsewhere, both in hard copy and e-reader formats. Here’s a link to the publisher’s website where you can order.


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A last letter … maybe

Dear Mr. Trump,

This will probably be my last letter to you. After about 250 letters, there’s nothing new to say.

If you’ve missed my letters, please feel free to buy a copy of Return to Sender: 224 Unanswered Letters to the White House.

Feel free to post a review, too!

Why would I stop writing to you? The time has come to get out the vote.

I’m going to volunteer to make sure you’re defeated. I’m going to contact voters. I’m going to answer questions that potential voters may have – particularly those that you’re trying to disenfranchise.

I’m going to tell these prospective voters the truth: that the real threat to this country and to our democracy is you and your followers and supporters in Congress and elsewhere.

I’m going to give money to organizations committed to getting out the Democratic vote.

I’m going to encourage all my readers to do the same, to volunteer in whatever way works for them and to give to the extent they can.

So, I may not be writing again, but I promise you this: you will feel my presence.

Very truly yours,

Bruce J. Berger

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Trailer for The Flight of the Veil

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To the anti-woman person in the White House …

Dear Mr. Trump:

So here’s how you disparage women whose political views you disagree with:

“Nasty” and “a mad woman” is what you call Kamala Harris, the daughter of two immigrants, while posting a doctored photograph making her skin appear much darker than it actually is.

“Ditzy” and an “airhead” is what you called Mika Brzezinski.

“Poor student” and “not even a smart person” is what you called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. By the way, why don’t you release your own school records, cheater? She could whip your fanny in any test of intelligence.

“Stone-cold crazy” is what you called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

And think of all the racist names your supporters have called Michele Obama over the years, following your racist lead.

Now listen here again to what Michele says about you:

“If you take one thing from my words tonight, it is this. If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can and they will if we don’t make a change in this election. If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it.” Our lives do depend upon it.

And your sick advisers have the nerve to tell Michele she needs to “go to church”?

You are anti-woman. You always have been.

What do women really want? Listen to them instead of calling them names. They have made it clear. They want to get you out of the White House and your supporters out of Congress.

Very truly yours,

Bruce J. Berger

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Watch the trailer!


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Why, Mr. President ….?

Dear Mr. Trump,

A few questions for you:

Why did you have a rally in Tulsa, discourage mask wearing, discourage socially-distant seating, and lead Herman Cain to his death from Covid-19?

Why have more than 150,000 Americans died from Covid-19, which you said was a hoax?

Why is the per capita death rate in the United States from Covid-19 substantially higher than the death rates in Brazil, Iran, South Africa, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, and many other countries? Is this how you’re “making American great again”? We’re great according to you because we have more death?

Why is a significantly higher percentage of Covid-19 cases leading to death in the United States than in countries such as Japan, Chile, Norway, Latvia, Congo, Philippines, Ukraine, Cameroon, Panama, Singapore, Bahrain, Iceland, and Guinea?

Why are you still encouraging schools to reopen when you’ve canceled your own Republican National Convention because of Covid-19 risks?

I would appreciate an honest answer to these questions.

Very truly yours,

PS – I hope that my readers will circulate this letter to their friends and contacts and ask them to wonder why the Republicans in Congress have been complicit in your crimes against the American people.

Very truly yours,

Bruce J. Berger

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To the man who would end our democracy …

Dear Trump:

I have been writing to you for three and one-half years, and sharing my letters with the public, about the danger you pose to our democracy. In one my first letters, February 17, 2017, I wrote:

You seem to think that, if lying got you where you are, lying will keep you there. You’re wrong, sir, just as President Nixon was wrong. He was the last president who threatened our democracy, and you are following in his footsteps, if not exceeding them,

and on February 22, 2017, I wrote:

You cannot control the minds of men and women who still love our democracy.

and again on March 6, 2017, I wrote:

What will you do next to undermine our democracy? What will you do next to encourage the haters in the country – the racists, the bigots – to use violence? What will you do next to make all free and decent people around the world gasp in astonishment at your ignorance and petulance?

Sadly, you got worse, not better. As I wrote to you on January 25, 2020, “you [have] irreparably damaged our democracy.”

Now you’re increasing the damage exponentially. You’re ordering federal forces to attack peaceful protesters and you’re threatening not to abide by the results of the 2020 election. Should you lose, it’s apparent you will call for an armed insurrection of your “Second Amendment people” against the legitimate and peaceful transfer of power that has always been – until now – the hallmark of our country.

Why are the Republicans in Congress letting you do this? You and they are a disgrace to what American stands for.

Very truly yours,

Bruce J. Berger


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The Flight of the Veil Trailer

via The Flight of the Veil Trailer

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